A producer-director-programmer in his early thirties, Fazle Hasan Shishir started his career as a cinematographer-editor. He is keen to cinematic projects which transcends the boundary between real-unreal and thrives to experiment with new cinematic language. He is an alumni of the Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India and also the Busan Asian Film School, South Korea. He is a member of the New Asian Producer’s Network and one of the founding members of the newly formed Independent Film Producer’s Platform of Bangladesh. He is based in Dhaka and Burlington, VT, USA. His project as a producer has been selected for the Asian Project Market 2023 at the 28th Busan International Film Festival and at the Produire Au Sud Dharamshala Lab 2023. His credits as producer includes films like Mukuler Jadur Ghora (2021), Café Desire (2022), Dear Maloti (2024). Jhiripoth Periye (2024 ), his recent directorial venture, challenges the norms of fiction filmmaking and is waiting for its world premiere. Hailing from a creative hub called “Ratherhood Initiatives”, Shishir curates an experimental writing collective called “Shobdo-Goppo-Chobi” (Word-Story-Images) which has come past twelve sessions having a total number of 109 short writing submissions. By a curatorial model of producing films, he is trying to popularize a meta-writing process to make films.