Santua Tripura is a filmmaker, photographer, and cultural producer based in the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh. His works mostly portray cultural marginalization, identity crisis of Indigenous youths, and the methods of intergenerational knowledge transmission among Indigenous peoples. He is now leading Ruwang Collective Arts, an initiative to unite the Indigenous artists and promote their artworks with the aim to protect and promote diverse Indigenous culture in Bangladesh.

Santua Tripura

Santua Tripura is a filmmaker, photographer, and cultural producer based in the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh. His works mostly portray cultural marginalization, identity crisis of Indigenous youths, and the methods of intergenerational knowledge transmission among Indigenous peoples. He is now leading Ruwang Collective Arts, an initiative to unite the Indigenous artists and promote their artworks with the aim to protect and promote diverse Indigenous culture in Bangladesh.

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